
Sprung is the word that filled my mind when I was allowed out of my cabin on Day 8 after isolation because of COVID. When I first looked the word sprung up in my online dictionary, I learned that it is the past participle of spring, as in “you can get a more conventional and… Continue reading Sprung

Welcome to Your Cabin

Here is my home for the next six months. Comfortable, compact, with light coming through the window. Little did I know . . . two days into the cruise, this cabin would become my world. I tested positive for COVID yesterday, and will now be in this room for at least the next five days.… Continue reading Welcome to Your Cabin


I have been doing a lot of what feels like leave-taking lately. Saying a permanent goodbye to a house that was filled with dreams and memories was a start. Then, I downsized enough to move my remaining belongings into a 10 x 15 foot storage facility. And then, there has been an extended time of… Continue reading Leave-Taking