Ivory Coast Images

Costume Museum Abidjan, Ivory Coast March 22, 2023
Fabric in market, Abidjan, Ivory Coast March 22, 2023
Fabric in market 2: Abidjan, Ivory Coast March 22, 2023
From Museum 1 Abidjan, Ivory Coast
From Museum 2 Abidjan, Ivory Coast March 22, 2023
From Museum 3, Abidjan, Ivory Coast March 22, 2023

And, as I am posting in holy week, anticipating Easter tomorrow:

Catholic Cathedral, Abidjan, Ivory Coast March 22 2023
Crosses from Catholic Cathedral, Abidjan, Ivory Coast


  1. The fabrics are so lovely and colorful. I’m glad you had a chance to be in a more familiar (?) church setting during Holy Week.

  2. May the peace of God be with you as you travel through all these areas….

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