The Cruise Ends

I have now been back from the cruise for over two months, and the journey on the blog stopped in Dutch Harbor.

When one procrastinates, there is usually something in the way, and I finally realized that I’ve been waiting for final thoughts and reflections to come together with some kind of meaning. While I have many thoughts and reflections, they feel more like a work-in-progress, so I am going to end the procrastination and make a final post for the world cruise without a firm conclusion.

I appreciate all the support and comments I have gotten from those who looked at the blog. I know that many of you have been reading the blog and appreciating it without commenting. I will just end with thanks and some final visual images.

On a boat trip from Seward, Alaska. July 3, 2023.
A pod of killer whales near Seward, Alaska. July 3, 2023.
Ice Flows near Seward Alaska. July 3, 2023.
Entrance to passage to Hubbard Glacier. (We could not proceed to see it due to ice and wind.) July 4, 2023.
These are the suits we wore to go on a jet boat ride in the harbor of Sitka, Alaska.
Elephant made from spark plugs. Downtown Ketchikan, Alaska. July 6, 2023.
Grizzly Bear July 7, 2023. Excursion from Prince Rupert, BC, Canada.
Grizzly Bears July 7 2023. Excursion from Prince Rupert BC, Canada.

And, finally, some images of the ending days onboard the ship.

Duplicate bridge was played each afternoon when not in port. (There were also lessons in the mornings.) July 4, 2023.
Auction of unwanted items donated by world cruisers to benefit the crew fund. July 6, 2023.
Sing Out Loud Concert July 7, 2013.
Crew of the Insignia July 10, 2023.
Insignia 2023 World Cruisers July 12, 2023.


  1. Can’t believe you are done with your adventure on the high seas. I have enjoyed all your photos and commentaries, and this evening I reverse binged to make sure I had seen all of them. It was actually a lot of fun re-reading them in the context of your all your stops. So thank you for taking us along with you. Can’t wait to catch up in person. Welcome home, Suzanne.

  2. Cathy, thank you for sharing. Wonderful experience for you. So glad I could follow along.

  3. A trip of a lifetime! Your pictures were stunning, your narratives painted a picture of each trip. So glad you are home safely. I imagine you made some good friends on your trip!

  4. Thanks, Cathy, for the wonderful photos of your adventure and the detailed descriptors of the sights and people you saw. Your blog was so helpful in making us feel like we were ‘along for the ride’ and enjoying our time with you. I’m grateful for the time and energy that you put into designing this blog. Hope that you enjoy all of the photos in years to come.

  5. Thanks, Cathy, for sharing all of your amazing photos with us and giving us detailed descriptions of the places and people that you experienced on your adventure. Your blog made us feel like we were “along for the ride” in a small way. I certainly appreciate the organization and effort that you put in designing this blog for us. We all are most grateful. Hope that you enjoy looking back at your photos.

  6. Tremendous! Thanks for sharing your incredible trip with us. The final pictures are a wonderful final view.
    Until the next voyage!

  7. Thank you for sharing your amazing experiences! It’s been wonderful to read and see what it’s like to sail around the world in 2023. I can’t wait to see where you decide to go next when your feet get itchy again:)

  8. So glad you’re back home, with tons of sites and experiences under your belt. I can only imagine how challenging it would be to summarize 6 months of your very out of the ordinary life, but will be glad to know your thoughts as they come together.

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