Three of the World’s Ten Largest Shopping Malls

On May 16 (Day 123), the Insignia docked in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I couldn’t have told you much about this city before visiting there. Even after our visit, I mostly have a surface impression. This article gives an overview of the city. One of the notable features is that Kuala Lumpur has “three of the world’s ten largest shopping malls. Sorry to say I didn’t visit any of them.

Kuala Lumpur is also one of those cities where rapid urban growth, development, and a colonial past have combined to create “in your face” buildings. Seems that whichever way you turn, is another amazing site. This blogger lists Kuala Lumpur among the seven top cities for architecture lovers.

My tour of the city was hot and a photo op visit, so I’ll include the pictures of the buildings. Yes, they were impressive. And, no, I can’t tell you too much about what it would really be like to live there. I also can’t tell you anything about the inside of the buildings.

The National Palace seemed very impressive. We joined lots of other tourists on the outside of the gates, with only a glimpse of what is inside.

National Palace of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpor. May 16, 2023.
Changing the guard outside the National Palace of Malaysia. May 16, 2023.

The Petronas Towers dominate the skyline.

Petronus Towers. Kuala Lumpur. May 16, 2023.

This article lists some of the older buildings. In the background is the very tall Merdeka 118.

Merdeka 118. Second tallest structure in the world. Kuala Lumpur. May 16, 2023.
Royal Selangor Club. Kuala Lumpur. May 16, 2023.
Building in Kuala Lumpur. May 16, 2023.